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Программирование и поддержка: ИЦ СтГМУ

Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University

Опубликовано: 01.10.2018

Dear Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Koshel,

On behalf of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University, I wholeheartedly congratulate all the employees, students, and doctoral students of the Stavropol State Medical University on the glorious 80th anniversary of its foundation!

Focusing on innovations, practical application of research results, and implementing novel projects in medicine and health sciences, the StSMU ensures its leadership among Russian medical universities. Owing to their commitment, high-level of expertise, creative quest, and enthusiasm, the University employees steadily succeed in making most ambitious plans and ideas a reality. The University graduates have made up several generations of medical professionals and researchers in Russia, Europe, and World.

On these festive days, I sincerely wish our friends, the StSMU employees and students, inexhaustible energy, creative ideas, and professional achievements.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University Algirdas Utkus

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